Thursday, August 9, 2012

Crazy for DayZ!

By Rob Anderson

DayZ is a zombie apocalypse mod (for definition of a mod see: modding ) designed by Dean “Rocket” Hall on the Real Virtuality 3 engine based off ARMA II.  The setting takes place in the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus, an approximately 225km open world to scale. While many zombie oriented games are released annually, this is the first to draw me on a level much deeper than simply putting bullets into the undead’s heads. 

Below you will read some of the main reasons why I feel you should pick this game up, (requires a purchase of the ARMA II Combined Operations pack). The essence of this game can be equated to other mods that have changed the industry. I believe said it best, “…DayZ offers a compelling take on the zombie apocalypse…and the impact of this mod on the industry is equal to Defense of the Ancients and Counter-Strike.” This is THE 2012 mod of the year, (the mod helped sell over 300,000 ARMA II copies and was #1 on Steam for weeks).


Now a lot of people are turned off by DayZ when they open a live stream or a video on YouTube expecting this:

Stereotypical mindset of all zombie apocalypse enthusiasts.

But instead are treated to this (for most of the time):
“From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!”

The game starts players off in a randomly selected spawn point, which could be anywhere when you consider the open world is about 225km of mountain and city terrain. To make your time in the game worse you spawn (if a new character) with nothing but a small bag that holds a flashlight, bandage and painkillers. No weapons? What is this BS? The basic point of this game is simple: survive. No unlimited machine guns. No grenade launchers to start with. You are spawned with only your bare hands which you can’t even punch with.

 The first victim in this world.

Did I mention you spawn with no map? I didn’t? Well let me say it again, YOU SPAWN WITH NO MAP! If you are lucky enough to have friends (I do not know this feel bro) you better quickly figure out where you both spawn at and make haste! (Pro Tip #1 – use the site for an online map). Good luck finding your buddies if you do not know how to read it.

Now since this isn’t your typical first person shooter or, “FPS” for the in crowd, you are going to have to avoid the zombies that walk, crawl or hop around you. The agro (for the definition of agro see: agro ) system is based off your visibility and the sounds you make. (Pro Tip #2 – do not let yourself be seen, ever). The best way to avoid being spotted is to hit the deck and low crawl around towns to keep noise to a minimum.

Also useful for escaping prisons.

Now you’re on your way to surviving.


You have low crawled or sprinted your way across the world and finally found buildings you can access, not all can be mind you, looking for items to loot. You may find a building with food, weapons and survival items or you may find a building with nothing but empty soda cans (Pro Tip #3 – empty items can be thrown as a distraction).

Sometimes empty is better…..

Just like in real life, you don’t always get what you want, or need for that matter. In the awesome chance that you do find perishables, ammunition, weapons and drinks, hoard it all! It’s not every day you find a weapon in DayZ. You must stock up on everything you can fit, dictate on your own what you feel you need, and push out on your next step.

Don’t forget your Charles Bronson rope.

Now you may feel empowered  like a tough bad ass since you have a pistol or rifle in your hands, but please remember, you are NOT a one man army capable of taking out an entire country to rescue the President’s daughter or any other plot device to keep the action flowing. You must always watch your 6 (that is your back if you were confused). 

Here is a video of someone failing at killing us and leaving me his goodies:

DayZ was designed with the “What if?” scenario engrained in every moment.  Every server has the potential to house 1-75 other players. What are these players doing? Exactly what you are: surviving. They have invested just as much time if not more scavenging and living so they might not be the friendliest if you enter their territory. Imagine an episode of The Walking Dead with tenser, more dramatic scenes and much less crying. (Pro Tip #4 – don’t cry).

Kleenex stock increased by 2600% post apocalypse.

Trust is the most important part of this game. Many players wish they could join a server, link up with others and survive together through Armageddon. Is this reality? No. You are playing a game online and just like in real life not everyone can be trusted. You will come across others who will kill you instantly just so they can search your pack and take what they need to survive. Are they bad guys? No. They are doing what is necessary in a future so bleak.

If you are lucky enough you will meet others willing to help out and show you around. Hold onto these people! They are your BFF (best friend forever) and will assist you as you need it. You can count on these players to show the basics or share food and weaponry. Don’t lose their trust. (Pro Tip #5 – don’t shoot your buddy in the face).

Unless you are getting rushed by a horde, then screw them.

Here is a video of me leaving behind an innocent helper when shit hit the fan:

DayZ is also a simulation based game. They want a real world feel to it as you fight for your life. The creator slipped in a trick or two. Injuries do happen. You may end up with a broken leg if you fall to far or trip over something. Yes, that’s right. You will be stuck on the ground unable to move as zombies move in to rip you apart and enjoy a snack. (Pro Tip #6 – don’t become a Twinkie).

Choke on them… doesn’t apply if they don’t need air.

You must take proper care of yourself and keep an eye on your stats. This is a simulation remember? You have to drink water and eat food to stay alive. This is not a Call of Duty game where you can sit in a corner all day and live. Being dehydrated and hungry affects your body and you will not be able to move as fast. Just like life, eating is important, do that a lot.

This is a survival game folks. Make sure to hold onto any weaponry and ammunition you find and stay hydrated. Enter towns to scavenge for supplies. Run for your life. Fight for your future. I hope you have friends to form a group with for survival is greater in numbers.

Rambo would like to remind you he doesn’t need others.


I would hope all that you have read thus far has excited you a little bit to try out this game. Let’s think about this game again. What is another factor that sets it above everything else out there? Answer: the hard reset. What is that you ask? Remember the old days of NES or SEGA where you would play a game, battle your way through the levels and eventually either win or die? The best part: death sent you back to the beginning.  (Pro Tip #7 – don’t die).

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B. The Contra loophole.

Games today are filled with save files and check points which make them overall easier.  DayZ slaps players in the face and reminds them that life has no saves or check points. You are on your own. All that hard work you put into this game, appreciate that dedication folks, it may all be gone within seconds.  That’s right. You respawn into the world at square one. A day pack, flashlight, bandage and painkillers. Welcome to reality. (Pro Tip #8 – don’t take the red pill).

I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment with this game. The bonus is the developer himself, Dean “Rocket” Hall has partnered with Bohemia Interactive to develop a standalone version! You read that correctly. The alpha mod has generated over a million unique users and the company felt he deserved all the credit he is due. Hopefully this fall we will see the first version of this game in full. I will be purchasing said title day one and continuing my life in the zombie surviving business.

“…and business is good!”

Rob Anderson is a podcast host with The Lag Switch (@theLagSwitch) and Age of Nerdpocalypse, live every Saturday and Sunday night on his live stream channel ( He is known to be a gaming fanatic, film freak, and a comic obsessed madman. For more of his shenanigans you can reach him at:

Twitter: @itsOCELOT
YouTube: Dr Ocelot PhD
Twitch Live Stream: itsOCELOT